What is the new blog about?

How Phil is going to use his blog to get a book deal.

What is the new blog about?

[Who is this bloke?]

Hello! It’s Phil! And this is my first proper blog post of 2024.

[I hope it’s worth reading]

This year, I'm going to SMASH this blog. I’m going to make you LOSE YOUR MIND as you follow the incredibly boring exploits of a balding white man nearly four decades old.


As well as posting poems, short stories, and occasional links, I'll also use the blog to chronicle my pursuit of a book deal.

So this is it.

2024. The year I make progress or the year that I fail in front of everyone. So I'll send you via email INSIDER INFORMATION as I try and secure publication through loads of hard work and self-promotion.

[So why do we care?]

I've found that the more I write, the more I improve, no matter if I’m knocking out poems, ploughing through a novel or pulling together a work paper. By setting strict deadlines for both these blog posts and creative writing, I aim to make 2024 my most productive year as a writer.

Those who've been following my blog and receiving what have become irregular emails for the past five years might be sceptical. I've made similar declarations in the past, but after some self-reflection over the Christmas period, I believe this is just WHAT I HAVE TO DO.

[why is he using upper case like that?]

The second motive for this plan is to BE REAL AND HONEST about the challenges of balancing a full-time job and a busy life, with the pursuit of a publishing deal. Many writers reach this point and feel lost, so I hope my journey, regardless of the outcome, helps in some way.

I’m well aware that there's a risk that I might lose steam halfway through the year. Life can be distracting, and there are other activities, like gardening, that I enjoy. SO THIS IS MY MINI-MANIFESTO TO YOU ALL.

[he’s starting to sound like a politician now]


[back to the capitals]


[oh I bet that’s the reason for the upper case?]


[but what if he’s just not a good writer?]

Don't say that! Is my writing good enough? Will the gatekeepers think it I’ll be commercially successful? These are questions I can't answer right now. Instead, I will focus on what I can control: this blog and my attitude towards my writing in the coming months.

I don't want to burden you with the ramblings of another struggling writer; there are plenty of those around.

So I aim to keep this journey as humorous and entertaining as possible.

[when does that start?]

What a happy chap

There’ll be more information coming soon - including my blog plan and some lovely stories that I’ve dug out of the ‘do something with this ’ folder on the computer.

So go on, click subscribe. Share with your friends. Because you’ll either help me get that book deal and be able to tell your friends you “support the arts” or something like that, OR you’ll watch as I descend from well-rounded, happy and resourceful to someone who gibbers away to himself in the corner and thinks it’s COOL to use CAPITALS.
